Monday, November 25, 2013

Looking Back...

It has been a REALLY long time since I have posted a blog. I came across this link in my favorites and decided to read about my past. I was one messed up girl!!! Yikes!!! I'm happy to report that it is November 25th, 2013 and I am happy. Happy, happy, happy! Sooooooo many things have happened in my life since I was that sad, depressed, hurt, angry girl. Not all of them good things, in fact, mostly bad. Maybe the difference is age, with age comes wisdom? I dunno. I'll be 40 next Monday. *sigh* I definitely have a different outlook on life these days. My ex (Sean) and I got back together again, briefly (a year and a half?), but this time he moved in with me and my boys. Worst. Mistake. Ever. But oh how it "cured" me of him. We've been broken up with no communication for 9 months I think? I don't keep track :-) It's a great feeling :-) I think I'm probably the happiest I have ever been in my life right now. So many good things happening. The most exciting for me is that I finally joined a church, yesterday, a wonderful church that I can't wait to be a part of. I'll keep it brief as I know reading happy stuff isn't as "fun" as reading drama stuff :) Just wanted to check-in, especially after reading all of the dark blogs I posted in the past. :) God Bless. shacri